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Energy Star®
Certified Homes

The ENERGY STAR® label represents a standard for energy efficiency set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Homes that earn this label are significantly more energy efficient than typical new homes and even some existing homes on the market.


An ENERGY STAR® certified home meets strict guidelines for energy efficiency set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, delivering energy savings of up to 30 percent when compared to typical new homes. This translates to lower utility and maintenance costs.


Here are some of the features you might find in an ENERGY STAR® certified home:


  1. Thermal Enclosure System: Comprehensive air sealing, quality-installed insulation, and high-performance windows to enhance comfort, improve durability, reduce maintenance costs, and lower monthly utility bills.

  2. Efficient Heating and Cooling Equipment: More efficient and properly installed heating and cooling systems that use less energy, reduce indoor humidity, and improve the overall comfort of your home.

  3. Water Management System: To protect roofs, walls, and foundations from moisture damage.

  4. Energy-Efficient Lighting and Appliances: ENERGY STAR® certified lighting, appliances, and fans that are tested and certified to perform at or better than higher efficiency levels without sacrificing performance.

  5. Whole-House Mechanical Ventilation: To provide fresh air and reduce the concentration of indoor air pollutants.

  6. Solar-Ready Construction: For potential future solar installations, if they’re not already installed.

  7. Third-Party Verification: Independent Home Energy Rating System (HERS) Raters conduct onsite testing and inspections to verify that the homes qualify as ENERGY STAR.

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